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Starting and growing your own independent business can be great...but working alone sucks.

Working as a self-employed, solo-practitioner can be a really isolating experience when you aren’t surrounded by other people doing their own thing. It’s almost enough to make you miss having coworkers to interrupt you & a boss to tell you what to do…just kidding!

But seriously, there is something about having people you can talk to about your work, whether it’s solving a problem or just getting an idea out of your head.

And you don’t know what you had til it’s gone.

Some days it feels like a miracle to get anything done at all. It’s just you and your thoughts, bouncing back and forth between bursts of excitement and a dance with your own self doubt.

Productivity ebbs and flows with your mood, and those self-imposed (and way-too-easy to punt) personal deadlines slip through your fingers over and over.

When every decision is yours, even the smallest decisions can feel like massive boulders in the way of your progress. And it’s not just tools and strategies! You’re craving honest feedback and trusted support to help you see around corners and anticipate mistakes before they bite you.

Who can you turn to?

Will they reinforce your self doubt and try to talk you out of your best ideas, or will they help you make smarter, confident decisions and encourage you to push forward?

You need a source of solidarity, accountability, and community.

Instead of chasing that elusive sense of progress alone, join a supportive group of independents and create a sense of progress, together .

Take control of your work instead of your work taking control of you. Get unstuck. Learn and grow alongside people with business (and life!) goals you can relate to.

All from the comfort of anywhere you have an internet connection!

Why go through another workday on your own when you can feel connected to and supported by a community of solo-practitioners, like you, at all levels:

from getting your first project into the world, to growing a service business to sustainability, to launching new products and more.

Over the past five+ years, we’ve built that community entirely online and we’d love you to join us!

The magic that we’ve discovered is that while we’re working on our own stuff, we can always find support in each other, push through challenges, and tackle the most difficult problems (BONUS: read this note from WIP Community Leader, Nicola Black, for more on this).

So if you’re ready to take your business or side project to the next level, we invite you to apply now!

There have been lots of nuggets of gold that folks have shared along the way, but the support, encouragement and camaraderie have really helped me get through the last few months!

Simon Plenderleith
Simon Plenderleith
Node.js Consultant & Educator • Seattle, WA

…full speed ahead! Now that I got help launching my new website, I’m tremendously motivated to keep generating stuff to populate it. Better than my wildest hopes and dreams for joining Work in Progress.

Katie Arrosa
Katie Arrosa
Technology & Comedy Writer • Philadelphia, PA

Built for camaraderie, not just growth and speed

Look, we know that nobody wants to spend more time online and staring at a computer screen than you need to, especially if it’s a wandering time suck.

That’s why our Roundtable sessions and events are pre-scheduled and guided by a facilitator – a fellow creative solo-practitioner/small business owner like you! Other member-led events and coworking sessions are posted, in advance, on our community calendar. This way, you can add them to your planner ahead of time for a few visits each month.

And hey! You can always hang out, daily. Chat with your WIP coworkers throughout the workday via our members-only Discord, host an impromptu coworking session, or do some work-sprints together! Work in Progress is structured to make sure every minute you’re active with our community is worth your time:

A tight-knit community of people to support you

When you join the Work in Progress community, you’ll get access to like-minded people to set goals, share ideas, and push through your challenges together.

At its core, our community is built around creating strong bonds and establishing genuine relationships.

 Included with all memberships

A private Discord for support, camaraderie, virtual coworking + work sprints, and more.

You’ll have access to a calm & private online community space to share progress updates and get feedback from the community.

Access a collection of shared channels, accessible to all members, to make even more sharing and cross pollination possible.

You can also use this online community space to share your daily goals and accomplishments, join virtual coworking sessions, create shared momentum with “work sprints” and more!

 Included with all memberships

Member-driven online activities and events

We know that sometimes (okay, often!) the best stuff comes directly from other people just like you! That’s why we support our community members in creating and running new experiences based on shared interests and goals.

To date, that includes office hours to share expertise in topics from finance & taxes, visual branding, and business strategy. Our members have run book clubs, workshops & presentations, and social events too! Join any of these member-run sessions, or run your own (with our guidance towards success!)

On average 3-4 events per month to join…sometimes more sometimes less, but always there when you want it!

 Included in Core Membership

Community Accountability

If you’re someone who needs some public accountability (aka friendly peer pressure) to meet your milestones, you’ll always have our online community to tap into, but there’s another way to get and stay on track built right into Core Memberships.

Accountability Buddy Groups
To help you stick to your goals – and build a few more relationships along the way – we’ll match you into an optional accountability group to get and give a little extra nudge when it’s needed most.

 Included in Core Membership

Solo Business Roundtables & Library

In the Work in Progress community, the expertise you need is often already “in the room.” For everything else, our extended networks can reach just about any kind of expertise you might need to succeed!

So instead of sitting through another boring webinar, our Solo Business Roundtables are a more community-centric approach to helping you learn about the skills, techniques, and tools you can use in your work.

You might even get to share your valuable know-how and experiences with the community, too!

Bonus: Every Roundtable session is recorded and transcribed, and added to a growing library you can reference anytime!

 Included in Core Membership

Thankful for all of the readily surfaced and nuanced recommendations from this community! I’ve greatly reduced the time & energy needed to identify the right tools for my business, both now and down the road.

Kara Lindstrom
Kara Lindstrom
Intentional Leadership Consultant • Philadelphia, PA

The WIP Discord has been great for a sense of accountability, solidarity, and community.

Kate Rivera
Kate Rivera
Nonprofit Consultant • Philadelphia, PA

Membership for all levels

Get the support you need with access to community, motivation & support, and a path forward.

Lite Membership


per month

Applications are open!
Click the button below.

✔ Members-Only Discord Community
Get the support and feedback you need! Work sprints and more!

✔ Virtual Coworking Sessions
Full-access to our coworking sessions! Hosted by members with multiple sessions scheduled weekly, but also spontaneously as needed. 

Click to Apply!
 Access to everything!

Core Membership


per month

Applications are open!
Click the button below.

⬅ Everything in Basic Membership, PLUS:

✔ Monthly Roundtable Events
Participate in our monthly discussions with topics voted on by the community!

✔ Access to our Roundtable Repository
An archive of videos and transcripts covering five years+ of WIP Roundtable discussions.

✔ Access to Monthly Member-Led Office-Hours
Participate in professionally led office-hours conducted by members like you! Example: Ask a Visual Designer Office-Hours hosted by community leader, Nicola Black, gives members access to professional design guidance for their visuals and marketing!

✔ Opt-in Accountability Groups & Check-ins
Need extra accountability? Take advantage of the option to be grouped with other Core members for regular project check-ins that work for you!

Scholarships available for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ applicants. Change or cancel anytime. Have a question? Interested, but not sure yet? Ask us about our free trial option.  Email us!

Meet the Team

Nicola Black

Program Designer & Facilitator

Visual Brand Strategist and Designer.
Solo-practitioner and small business owner since 2008.

Maki Naro

Community Manager

Science Communicator & Illustrator.
Solo-practitioner and small business owner since 2013.